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Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70
Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70
Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70
Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70
Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70

Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW M70

  • PMC Motorsport Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW V12 M70
470,00 EUR
brutto / pcs.
Szybkie zakupy 1-Click(bez rejestracji)
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Produto disponível em grandes quantidades
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Ten produkt nie jest dostępny w sklepie stacjonarnym
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PMC Motorsport Adaptador conversor de torque ZF 8HP70 BMW N57 N57N Diesel - BMW V12 M70

for the PMC motorsport torque converter adapter, it is necessary to use a gear rim / flexplate BMW M70 V12 automatic, so we leave the original starter in the unchanged position

!When You use M73 flexplate need to sand the bell housing of the gearbox inside!

Set includes: 

  • torque converter adapter
  • necessary assembly screws

The engines the kit fits for:

  • BMW V12 M70 LHD 

For engines from right-hand drive vehicles, the starter should be replaced by a European version.

Matching BMW gearboxes:

  • ZF 8HP70 8HP from BMW N57 and N57N Diesel

The PMC Motorsport ID: F0M57-M7 adapter must be used to connect the engine to the transmission

Made in EU ISO Quality Certificate PN EN 9001: 2015 | Returns up to 30 days *
* refundable option covers only unused product!

Kod producenta
Caixa de câmbio
BMW N57 N57N ZF 8HP 8HP70 8-marchas (DIESEL)
BMW V12 M70
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