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Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61

Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61

  • Front Panhard Adjustable Insert Nissan Patrol 2.8 Y60/Y61
112,00 EUR
brutto / pcs.
Szybkie zakupy 1-Click(bez rejestracji)
Produto em constante venda
Produto em constante venda
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Ten produkt nie jest dostępny w sklepie stacjonarnym
Bezpieczne zakupy

Adjustable Rear Panhard Rod for Nissan Patrol 3.0 Y60/Y61


Two-way adjustable Panhard rod - from the PRO series:

  • This two-way adjustable Panhard rod from the PRO series allows for the restoration of the proper drivetrain axle geometry during the installation of a suspension lift.
  • It offers the option to use either polyurethane bushings or original OEM metal-rubber bushings to tailor it to the user's preferences.
  • The anti-corrosion protection provided by galvanic zinc coating ensures long-lasting protection against corrosion, positively influencing the product's durability and performance.
  • Special keyway milling facilitates adjusting the Panhard rod to the required length, expediting and simplifying the adjustment process.
  • The wide range of adjustment allows for precise customization of the Panhard rod to various suspension configurations.
  • The product enables an effective vehicle lift ranging from 0 to 6 inches (0 to 15.24 cm), providing greater flexibility and adaptability to individual user preferences.


The set includes 1 piece of the product.

Y60.04 - 5
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