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Modèle du VéhiculeBMW Seria 3 E30BMW Seria 3 E36 Compact (6-Cyl)
Brake Caliper Adapters BMW E30 / BMW E36 COMPACT
- PMC Motorsport Brake caliper adapters for BMW E30 / E36 Compact
PMC Motorsport Brake caliper adapters for BMW E30 / E36 Compact
They enable the installation of the additional pair of calipers on the rear brake discs.
Adapters are manufactured with the milling method, providing steel stiffness and lightweight aluminum.
The adapters are for the brake calipers and discs from BMW E30 E36 COMPACT
Made in EU
ISO certificate
Worldwide shipping
30 Return Policy | * refundable option covers only unused product!
Code fabricant
Modèle du Véhicule
BMW Seria 3 E30
BMW Seria 3 E36 Compact (6-Cyl)
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